Avia Vascular


Avia Vascular is the manufacturer of The Ally™ Blood Collection device and The Stiletto® Extended Dwell CatheterTwo product families intended to reduce the use of needles, and preserve patient vasculature, in clinical care settings.

Our Mission

At Avia Vascular, we strive to improve upon traditional clinical methods by offering novel technology and design solutions, capable of establishing new standards for patient care and creating better experiences.

Not Just Moving the Needle, Removing It

Avia Vascular is taking a stand against excessive needlesticks. Although we cannot eliminate needles completely, we can greatly reduce usage by providing needle-free methods for blood collection and creating catheter solutions that can last the full duration of therapy.

For too long, patients and providers have been required to cope with excessive needle use, placing patients and healthcare providers at increased risk for needle-related harms.

“My mission to remove needles all started when my Dad had a stroke on August 18, 2014. When I was with him that night at the hospital, he told me that I had to sleep there with him. What he told me next caught me by surprise. He told me I had to sleep immediately outside of the door or lay against the inside of the door. “Why?” I asked. He said he was tired of being bruised and wanted to sleep, and that my sole job for the night was to block the door so that nobody could come in and “stick him with a cold needle.”

Member of Avia Vascular Board of Directors

Venous Depletion: A Growing Concern in Healthcare

One of the more exigent problems resulting from frequent VP is referred to as venous depletion. Frequent access of a vessel can lead to progressive vascular degradation and compromise future access, leading to use of central lines in cases without a clinical need for central access.

Reducing the use of needles affects more than just the patient experience. Choosing methods to reduce needlesticks preserves patient vasculature and mitigates venous depletion.

Make vessel preservation a priority with products from Avia Vascular.